Re: Untitled

From Reliable Parakeet, 11 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 1'021 times. This paste will bite the big one in 1 Second. This paste is a reply to Untitled from Commodious Hamerkop - view diff
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  2. function makePed()
  3.    ped1 = createPed ( 140, 4927.2998046875,-1973.4000244141, 2 )
  4.    ped2 = createPed ( 140, 4913.7998046875,-1912.0999755859, 1.7999999523163 )
  6.    if source == ped1 then
  7.         local ped1 =  getElementPosition(ped1)
  8.         setElementVelocity ( ped1, 4909.7998046875,-1965.5,1.7999999523163)
  9.         setPedWalkingStyle ( ped1,MOVE_SEXYWOMAN)
  10.    end
  11.    if source == ped2 then
  12.     local ped2 =  getElementPosition(ped2)
  13.             setElementVelocity ( ped2, 4909.8999023438,-1945.8000488281,1.7999999523163)
  14.                     setPedWalkingStyle ( ped2,MOVE_SEXYWOMAN)
  15.     end
  16. end
  17. end
  18. addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), makePed )

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Re: Re: Untitled Gracious Bat text 11 Years ago.

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