
From Tinct Hummingbird, 10 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 661 times. This paste will shuffle off the mortal coil in 1 Second.
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  1. Breakpoint 1, CFunctions::Startup (luaVM=0xfd5350) at CFunctions.cpp:816
  2. 816             lua_getglobal(luaVM, "givePlayerMoney");
  3. (gdb) stepi
  4. 0x00007ffff43b0e88      816             lua_getglobal(luaVM, "givePlayerMoney");
  5. (gdb) stepi
  6. 809     {
  7. (gdb) stepi
  8. 816             lua_getglobal(luaVM, "givePlayerMoney");
  9. (gdb) stepi
  10. 0x00007ffff43aec40 in lua_getfield@plt () from /home/asturel/mtadev/mods/deathmatch/modules/libml_irc.so
  11. (gdb) disassemble
  12. Dump of assembler code for function lua_getfield@plt:
  13. => 0x00007ffff43aec40 <+0>:     jmpq   *0x2117da(%rip)        # 0x7ffff45c0420
  14.    0x00007ffff43aec46 <+6>:     pushq  $0x4
  15.    0x00007ffff43aec4b <+11>:    jmpq   0x7ffff43aebf0
  16. End of assembler dump.
  17. (gdb) stepi
  18. lua_getfield (ls=0xfd5350, idx=-10002, k=0x7ffff43bac0d "givePlayerMoney") at luaimports.cpp:832
  19. 832       LCALL(lua_getfield, ls, idx, k);
  20. (gdb) stepi
  21. [New Thread 0x7fffe91f4700 (LWP 7496)]
  22.                                       0x00007ffff43ba597        832       LCALL(lua_getfield, ls, idx, k);
  23. (gdb) stepi
  24. 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
  25. (gdb)

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