pack/unpack pos to binary

From eeew, 10 Years ago, written in Lua, viewed 911 times.
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  1. function packpos(x, y, z)
  2.     x = 819200+math.floor(x*100) -- -8192 - 8192   3 byte
  3.     y = 819200+math.floor(y*100)
  4.     z = math.floor(1300*65535/(z+100)) -- -100 - 1200   2 byte
  5.     return string.byte(
  6.         x, BitExtract(x, 8, 8), BitExtract(x, 16, 8)
  7.         y, BitExtract(y, 8, 8), BitExtract(x, 16, 8),
  8.         z, BitExtract(z, 8, 8))
  9. end
  11. function unpackpos(string, startindex)
  12.     local x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, z1, z2 = string:byte(startindex, startindex + 7)
  13.     return  ((x1 + x2*256 + x3*65536) - 819200)/100,
  14.             ((y1 + y2*256 + y3*65536) - 819200)/100,
  15.             (z1 + z2*256)/65535*1300 - 100
  16. end

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Re: pack/unpack pos to binary eeew lua 10 Years ago.

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